Friday, 19 March 2010

2010:365:78 Z is for Zigzag

Zigzag .... Zig points to the left and Zag to the right.  This pattern on the toast has more Zigs than Zags!
A Zigzag is 'a line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions'.  So this morning I chose the Zigzag route for some delicious Marmite!  
Answer: Simply because one of you, the blog-reader, challenged me to include Marmite in one of my 365Project photographs!  Here it is!  I suppose it was 'cheating' a little but others have already done the "Zoo" and "Zip" and Zigzag seemed as good an idea as any.
It was interesting to read this morning that there's a new painting by Caroline Shotton about to be auctioned on Ebay in the next eleven days.  
This is one in a series of "The Persistence of Moomite" which raises money for the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (ASBAH is Marmite's official charity).  
These paintings raise significant sums of money and are all comical adaptations of famous works.

More of Caroline's other art work can be seen at:

If you click on the title to this blog you'll be taken to the Marmite Facebook page.  Those who love the stuff will be quick to join the Marmite club, although I know that there are some folk who really don't like it at all.  Marmite and Bovril (for the non-vegetarians) are full of nutritious goodness and staples in any cupboard.  I adore both.  
This brings to an end the twenty six blogs based around the alphabet.  It was a fun challenge but rather restricted the blog content as the first photograph in each posting was the 365Project submission.  Anyhow ... we'll see what inspiration strikes tomorrow!  Today is the feast day of Saint Joseph of Nazareth - so the collect for his day will bring this series to a conclusion.

God our Father,
who from the family of your servant David
raised up Joseph the carpenter
to be the guardian of your incarnate Son
and husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
Give us grace to follow his example
of faithful obedience to your commands;
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.  Amen. 

Book of Common Prayer
Collect of Saint Joseph of Nazareth

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