Thursday, 18 March 2010

2010:365:77 Y is for Yellow

On a day when the clouds are low and rain is falling yellow is a cheerful focus for the penultimate alphabet challenge letter.  Yesterday's new chopping board (for chicken) and yellow knife were purchased with an eye to today's photograph - as well as being useful!  The lemon just happened to be in the fridge so the stage was set.
Also on the fridge were some yoghurt made by Yoplait which could just as easily have been the chosen composition though the yellow board didn't seem to have the same depth of colour.
Moving away from "yellow" for a moment I had a look through "1001 paintings to see before you die" and only one of them is by an artist whose surname begins with a "Y".  To see it I'd have to go to the US again ... it might be interesting to see the original but the reproduction hasn't sent me running to buy a ticket just yet.
So back to "yellow".  If I were in the Mournes today the chances are that I'd be able to get pictures of gorse (whin) blossom in the rain and it would look more vibrant than the illustration in my ancient plant book where most of the illustrations are black and white!  That's not great when you're in the field trying to identify something although the drawings are accurate and the descriptions adequate for the amateur.  
Here in Belfast the spring flowers are at last beginning to come into bloom and among the first are the miniature daffodils.  Just beautiful - but so far only two have opened.  These are just six inches tall and look so bright and cheerful in a dull afternoon.
Returning to the house (having put out some fresh seed for the goldfinches) I caught sight of the toy box with its cheerful contingent of turtles and a couple of them just demanded to be photographed.  
These have given many children a lot of pleasure and sit in the cloakroom just waiting for the next visitors.
This pair are Italian salt and pepper shakers from San Ginignano  in Tuscany and once again added to the "yellow" thinking.  Maybe more of a mustard-yellow but pretty.
Finally, a colouring pencil...every house should have one.  As it happens, this is one that came from a Christmas Cracker.  So far it hasn't been used but it sits around waiting for an opportunity.  
Nothing profound in today's blog ... but looking at the yellow items and thinking about sunshine has made it seem a brighter afternoon!

Merciful Father,
you gave your Son Jesus Christ to be the good shepherd,
and in his love for us to lay down his life and rise again.
Keep us always under his protection,
and give us grace to follow in his steps;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.   

Book of Common Prayer
Collect of the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

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