Frank is almost ready to leave and is beginning to wonder if he'll fit back into his box!
And I'm beginning to wonder if I'll get the blog going before midnight as the laptop is running very slowly just now.
So, briefly, the scales were our mother's and probably date to the mid 1940s.... constantly in use over the years they've taken a bit of a battering but are still the best scales that you could imagine. The weights are of course in pounds and ounces!
This evening was a Schools Shakespeare Festival at the Waterfront but not photographs in the theatre. A couple of the Kilkeel girls agreed to pose for me beside their school's display.
This evening was a Schools Shakespeare Festival at the Waterfront but not photographs in the theatre. A couple of the Kilkeel girls agreed to pose for me beside their school's display.
It is hard to believe that I was at school as a pupil with the grandmother of one of those students!
It was a beautiful evening at the Waterfront. Not cold and no rain!
So, while waiting for my lift home there was the chance to play around with some night shots - I like the city lights.
For now, it is good night - and off to dream ...
So, while waiting for my lift home there was the chance to play around with some night shots - I like the city lights.
For now, it is good night - and off to dream ...
All praise to thee, my God this night,
for all the blessings of the light;
keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
beneath thine own almighty wings.
Church Hymnal number 63
Thomas Ken (1637-1711)
1 comment:
well you have certainly had an entertaining time with Frank and I wish him well on the next part of his journey. Judith
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