Wednesday, 6 October 2010

2010:365:279 Frank in Belfast

Frank had a trip to the centre of Belfast today ... there was a meeting near the cathedral so afterwards he posed to have his photograph taken with the odd needle "thing" in the background.  The foundations of Saint Anne's aren't strong enough to take a regular spire so the spike was a winning design selected ...  hmmmm.  Opinion is divided on its beauty .... and I'm with those who question it!
The history of the Titanic reminded Frank of his owner so he was thinking about her in the South Pacific ... don't suppose there are many icebergs to worry about there.
Frank continued to make his way back towards the City Hall negotiating his way through some roadworks.  
Having climbed up the barrier to get a better view of the pink buses Frank heard some laughter in the background ... surely they couldn't have been laughing at him?  Perhaps it was at the cleric taking pictures of a skunk!
The livery in the bus is very bright and cheerful and we took a front seat upstairs for the journey home.  There are lots of pictures of the trip on Frank's own page so they'll not be repeated here.
Frank spent part of the afternoon in the Children's Hospital where he visited baby John ... it is a very cheerful place and the nurses are with him 24/7 so he gets the best of attention.
However, a black and white furry animal is no match for an all singing, all dancing caterpillar in strong primary colours!  So we said "Goodbye" to John and came back to a meeting with the sound engineer at Saint Nicholas'.  
Sadly Frank was forgotten for the remainder of the evening and missed out on choir practice ... maybe next week.
Meanwhile, his present keeper has had a long day and wants to watch  "The Apprentice" which was recorded earlier!

Blessed are you, Sovereign God, our light and our salvation,
to you be glory and praise for ever!
In the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
To dispel the darkness of our night,
you sent forth your Son, the first-born of all creation.
He is our Christ, the light of the world,
and him, we acclaim, as all creation sings to you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
blessed be God for ever!

Celebrating Common Prayer
Wednesday Evening. 


Richard Littledale said...

Its amazing what a positive place a children's ward can be really, isn't it? The quiet professionalism and warm humanity of the staff washes over patients and visitors alike. God bless the NHS!

Elizabeth said...

Yes, we are so blessed with a good NHS and this Belfast hospital has to be one of the best. Baby John is never left unattended and the nurses are just the most wonderfully caring and fun loving people you could meet. At the other end of life I've found the same gentle good care of the elderly and dying.