Friday, 6 August 2010

2010:365:218 Tea in the rain!

Or the sub-title might be, "Don't let anything stand in the way of you achieving your goals".
It was raining ... but this is Ireland so ... it was raining!  Since the grass has been cut, the photograph plan for 365Project today was to take tea in the garden where, once again, you can walk without fear of uncovering hidden elephant groups.  So, the solution is simple.  Put up the garden umbrella, wipe off the worst of the rain from the furniture and drink tea!
It's only when you get closer that the effect of the constant damp on the wood can be seen more clearly ... a good scrub with bleach is what this set needs.
The china tea service was the gift of a parishioner who recently went into Abbeyfield.  It is delicate and pretty, perfect for a cup of English Breakfast tea.
The teapot is another in my collection, and I'm beginning to realise that it is a bigger collection than I'd remembered.  This one pours well and was produced by the Irish company Bewley's - perhaps better known for their coffee.
Bewley's café on Grafton Street in Dublin was always the place to meet and enjoy good food served with excellent coffee.  Google it for more information.
The buddleia or butterfly bush is in full flower.  That seems late in the year but I'm not complaining.  
It hangs over the wig-loo and provides nectar for any passing butterfly, although you don't see many in the rain!
Yesterday's work on the wig-loo has helped it to look more like a shelter and less like a clump of wild willow.  in another year or two it will be a cosy place to find a quiet retreat.
Whatever the weather - if you want tea in the garden then - just do it!  If you want to barbecue in the rain - just do it!  There's no point being miserable about something that can't be changed ... and the weather in Ireland will be what it is ... often wet, frequently cold and always full of variety!  
Let's go for it.  If your spirit is contented then why would a damp day (after a damp day, after a damp day) get you down?  The place is green and fresh and so, so beautiful.

Sweet is the work, my God and King,
to praise your name, give thanks and sing,
to show your love by morning light,
and talk of all your truth at night. 

Church Hymnal number 76
Isaac Watts

PS - a couple of hours later.  The furniture has now been scrubbed and I'm back for a quick coffee.  Eliot thought he might join me!

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