Sunday, 4 April 2010

2010:365:94 Easter Sunday

What a lovely day!  Easter is the high point of the Christian year and we've been looking forward to it during Lent.  That's not just because chocolate is back on the menu, or that Chinese food may once again be consumed....
...though both of those are true!
It is the church's opportunity to celebrate the joy of resurrection.  What a day!  What an event!  It leaves you speechless in gratitude.
Our day began with a "Dawn" service.  8.30 am was early enough for some of our parishioners and nearly thirty gathered in the open air, cool but sunny and dry, for a short act of worship and renewal of baptismal vows.
Then right indoors to enjoy a cooked breakfast - bacon, egg, sausage, two sorts of fried bread, tomato and beans!  Lots and lots of coffee and great craic.  Almost everyone stayed and it was a delightful way to start the celebrations.
Parish Holy Communion followed with the choir singing another wonderful anthem.  They are so good.  If you're ever free on a Sunday it would do your heart good just to listen as they lead the worship.
Lunch for me was just a tomato (Turkish) and cheese salad - after the breakfast there wasn't a lot of need for a big meal!
The afternoon I spent in the Ulster Museum - rather disappointing after the length of time that it was shut and the money spent on it.
However, my visit was particularly to an eighteenth century painting where the museum have traced the music painted in the family scene and Demesne were performing it.  That was fantastic.  In that room photography was prohibited but permitted in other areas.  I had a wander around the costumes although the labels are far too small to be of any use whatever!

So this has been a very, very good Easter Sunday.  Loving the spiritual side, enjoying the foody side and just totally contented!  Chocolate bunnies might as well bring the blog to an end - they were the 365Project picture today - we're on a numbers challenge - day four of ten!

Almighty God,
through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ
you have overcome death
and opened to us the gate of everlasting life:
Grant that, as by your grace going before us
you put into our minds good desires,
so by your continual help we may bring them to good effect;
through Jesus Christ our risen Lord
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.  Amen. 

Book of Common Prayer
Collect of Easter Day

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