Sunday, 11 April 2010

2010:365:101 What is it?

What is it?  Maybe you've been there and recognise the jagged edge without a moment's hesitation?  
It certainly looks lethal from any angle!
The eagle eyed will spot a clue.  There's something about the eagle's vision that enables it to see clearly over long distances.  They are amazing birds....but those gems of 'useless' information will have to wait.
Indeed, the refusal to wait was partly responsible for the uneven opening of this particular tin.
It was lunch time.
The tin opener was nowhere to be found.
I was hungry.
So, using a bottle opener I managed to hack away at the edge of the can until the gap was sufficient for it to give up the contents.  (Memo to self - take a picture of the bottle opener!)
Just went back to do here's the addition!
And the contents....if you've not already seen the letters along the edge....was salmon.  
Look away vegetarians but here is a bowl of the lovely red salmon, rather mashed up because of the way it was removed from the tin.  That didn't matter one little bit as it was destined to become the filling in a quick sandwich with just a little mayonnaise and a wee bit of fresh parsley.
Here's the tin ready for the recycling bin - I'd not want to get into an argument with it!
As for the sandwich....a big fat juicy sandwich....
That was rather good.
Of course, you'll not be surprised that Eliot found a place just under the dining table where he waited patiently until the last bit of crust would be sent in his direction.  I managed to snap one quick photograph of him before he spotted the camera and moved to the other side of the room, while still watching carefully for the moment when lunch would finish and he might receive his little treat.
I do wish that he'd get over this reluctance to be has become very hard to get a good picture of him!
So, that's the story of the ragged can and a quick lunch.  Roll on teatime when I think a Chinese carry out will be on the menu!
One of my favourite prayers to finish....

Go before us, Lord, in all our doings, with your most gracious favour,
and further us with your continual help;
that in all our works begun, continued and ended in you,
we may glorify your holy name,
and finally by your mercy attain everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Book of Common Prayer
Third Collect at Morning Prayer.


Loey said...

Elizabeth, I just love your blog.

Lois :D

Rev Elizabeth said...

Thanks Lois.