Thursday 15 November 2012

Feasting ...

A feast for the eyes among my orchids.  Over a dozen of them thrive on the east facing windowsill.  It would be impossible to pick a favourite.

It looks as if such exotic flowers should demand a lot of attention ... all I do is leave them undisturbed, take off the dead flowers but don't cut the flower stems unless they die back, and give them very small quantities of water ... dry most of the time.  They sit on an east facing windowsill winter and summer ... it seems that they like the conditions and flourish year after year.
A feast for the eyes ... and a gingerbread muffin is a feast too!  Delicious!
Ginger with coffee icing ... and a double espresso!  Yummy.
Meanwhile ... the dog sleeps on.
And it won't be long before I'm asleep too ... though in a much more comfortable place!
Good night!

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