Thursday, 25 November 2010

328 Home!

It was good to be in the air this morning after last night's flight cancellation and long queue for rebooking.  Snow looks good ... but it certainly disrupts normal life!  
The whole of the north east of England was picture postcard scenery with the dark lines of roads along which the snow ploughs had been standing out in stark contrast to the white.  
Once we'd travelled across the Pennines the snow was virtually gone and Belfast showed up bright and sunny with only the smallest hint of a few flurries.
 Suddenly recognised the King's Hall as we came down for the approach to the City Airport.

Fill thou my life, O Lord my God,
in every part with praise,
that my whole being may proclaim
thy being and thy ways.

Church Hymnal number 349
Horatius Bonar (1808-89)


Linda Brytak said...

Oh how you are a good woman to praise the snow! we are awaiting our first snowfall this evening and are anticipating 15 - 20 cm by tomorrow morning. It's just the beginning. The ski hill operators are jumping up and down in glee, those of us who don't play in the snow are jumping up and down in frustration!
the cold wears a patient man,and a patient man wears cold with patience.
so is the solilique of the Canadian man and woman.

Rev Elizabeth said...

Well.... sometimes it takes a bit of effort to have our lives filled with praise when travelling is inconvenienced and life isn't quite what we'd like it to be.... it is a constant challenge to avoid becoming a complaining and grumpy older person!
It is quite unusual for us to have this sort of snow so early in winter and it did appear to take the various authorities by surprise.