Friday, 26 November 2010

329 With apologies ...

 ... to my vegetarian friends!  This sight and smell is part of the traditional Christmas Market held annually at the Belfast City Hall.  Same stall holders with wonderful selections of coffee, Peruvian hats, icons and carved animals.  Same food sellers with curry, kangaroo burgers and various tempting outlets for waffles, hot chocolate and French pastries.
 The reindeer are lined up ready to be taken off to gardens all over the country where, if this cold weather continues, they'll be covered in snow before the week is out.
And the cyclamen.  What a show they make!  Imagine that burst of colour in your garden in the middle of winter ... maybe I need to come back with the car sometime .... today was just a quick visit to see what's new and to catch up with a friend for a quick chat.  
Now it is time for The Messenger again ... I've not received much information for this edition but perhaps more will come in this evening.  It can always be a thinner magazine this month ... 

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
in a believer's ear!
It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds,
and drives away out fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole,
and calms the troubled breast;
'tis manna to the hungry soul,
and to the weary rest.

Church Hymnal number 92
John Newton. 

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