Wednesday, 24 November 2010

327 Back to the River

It was a dull but dry morning and just right for a quick walk along the River Wear and home via the Cathedral.  You'll notice a little bit of blue sky reflected in the water ... but by the time I got back to Cranmer the rain had started again!
 The weathered stone pillars at the end of the bridge where the riverside walk begins makes a good study for "texture" which is the 365Project theme this week.  
 I wonder what it would be like to live this close to the river.... the reflections are good anyhow.
 And some of the autumn leaves are still clinging on tightly ... mind you ... if there's snow in the next day or two (as promised) then they may give up and decide that winter truly has arrived!
 I'm not sure that this photograph of the Cathedral looks much brighter than the one taken a few days ago.... but at least I wasn't under an umbrella for the shot. Bede's tomb has become my favourite place this week and there was time this morning for a wee quick visit.  As usual in the early part of the day there's no one in that part of the Cathedral and I enjoy the space to myself - even if it is a bit colder than most of the rest of the building. 
So my time here is drawing to a close and I move back to the working world on Friday ... This coming Sunday is the first of the services at the new time with the serious time constraints on us ... it will be fine once we get into the pattern ... but until we've done a Sunday or two and see that it can work there's certainly a degree of anxiety!  If you're planning to be in Saint Nicholas' this Sunday then the Holy Communion is still at 9.30 am and then All Age Worship begins at 10.15 am!  

Grant me, O Lord, to know what I ought to know,
to love what I ought to love,
to praise what delights thee most,
to value what is precious in thy sight,
to hate what is offensive to thee.
Do not suffer me to judge according to the sight of my eyes,
nor to pass sentence according to the hearing of the ears of ignorant men;
but to discern with a true judgment between things visible and spiritual,

and above all, 
always to inquire what is the good pleasure of thy will.  Amen. 

Thomas à Kempis 

PS .... it is snowing here!
Flight delayed as runways closed.... the snow clearers hope to have it open again in an hour or two....

... meanwhile I'm enjoying the now silent lounge with only two other people in it .... I think we're all heading for Belfast.... we hope!

1 comment:

ROBERTA said...

I'm taken by the photo of the pillars at the end of the bridge. I was in N. Ireland last October and took many photos of walls and pillars:) I'm not sure what it is about stones and walls that call to me but they do. One of the favorite places I visited was Struell Wells. I went there twice!