Wednesday, 10 November 2010

314 A rose!

 This rose has been in bloom since the springtime and has managed to survive recent stormy weather to  produce one more fragrant head.  
Today things are looking up!  The food poisoning is over and life is slowly returning to normality - though that will happen properly when I make a pot of coffee!  So far it is still water, ginger beer or herbal tea - now there's nothing wrong with any of those - indeed, each one is good in its own right - but I'm a coffee drinker! 
It was good to be back in church today and able to celebrate the lunch time Holy Communion.  But what a bitterly cold day!  Morning temperatures were below zero and it didn't rise much above five degrees all day in spite of the sun.  
Eliot got a little freedom in the afternoon when I was at the photocopier, but he's become lazy!  If I wasn't out with him he just sat at the door.  Maybe he thinks he's on guard duty.  For the past five days he's guarded my bed and scarcely left my side so perhaps it is his instinct to stay close?  Who knows what goes on in his handsome head!

Sheltered beneath the Almighty's wings,
thou shalt securely rest,
where neither sun nor moon shall thee
by day or night molest.

At home, abroad, in peace, in war,
thy God shall thee defend;
conduct thee through life's pilgrimage
safe to thy journey's end.

Church Hymnal number 664  (verses 3-4)
Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady
1652-1715 and 1659-1726


Penelopepiscopal said...

So glad you are feeling better!

My roses are still blooming, the latest ever, even though we had a couple of nights of frost earlier in the week.

Hope you'll be able to get your coffee soon.

Rev Elizabeth said...
