Thursday, 11 November 2010

315 Armistice Day.

 The eleventh of November is a sombre day.  Always filled with memories of those who have given their lives in the service of their country.
These medals were our Dad's - he was one of those who came home from the Second World War to rebuild a life in a country that was free from the threat of German domination.  He, Thomas, returned to civilian life and rarely spoke of those years in France and Germany other than 'good' bits.  We heard of a family with whom he'd been billeted in Belgium and the friendship that he found with them.  There were stories of being on guard duty.  And the oft repeated gratitude to God for a dose of pleurisy that kept him in England when the rest of his unit were lost en route to France.
When you watch war footage and see the conditions that soldiers endured you begin to realise that there was so much that was never mentioned.  
It isn't just those who served during the two World Wars that we remember today.  There are family members and friends whose lives were taken during "The Troubles".  Those gaps remain a constant reminder of the complete disregard for the sacredness of life that those who engage in terrorism demonstrate.  To ambush someone in a quiet cul-de-sac, plant a bomb under a family car, lie in wait at a place of work, or in many other ways to take the life of another, is something that I can't understand.  
Who knows the number of men and women who, over the years, have given themselves totally to King/Queen and country?  To each of them we owe our thanks.
You can't help wondering why human beings haven't yet found a way to sort out their differences without resorting to violence ... history repeats this refrain in every country and in every time.  

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?
Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.

Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?
Jesus has conquered death and all its powers.

Church Hymnal number 675
Edward H Bickersteth (1825-1906)

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