Wednesday 18 August 2010

2010:365:230 Holidays are for ...

... being away with the fairies!

An impulse took me to the Fairy Glen today.  
The light was perfect, the air mild and there were very few people around. 
Once on the mountain Eliot had a wee run off the lead and I took photographs.  Just look how the peaty water has a deep amber glow in the sunlight!
Just then a lady came into view.  She was a friend whom I’d not seen in some years!  What are the chances of that happening? 
I’m inclined to think that these things aren’t just “chance”.  If our days are in the Lord’s hands then we can expect circumstances to work together to bring about God’s purposes. 
Solomon, in the book Proverbs wrote: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.” (3:5-6)
Eliot lay in the shade while we caught up on each other’s news. 
As the morning continued to be fine we headed off to Omeath where we took a quick walk round “Calvary”.  
It’s been landscaped in recent years and has lost (to my mind) some of its wild charm.  
A day out to Omeath with a trip to Calvary in a jaunting car was a regular summer treat in the 1960s.   There didn’t seem to be any jaunting cars today.
Down a side street there was a small café with outside tables when I had a roast beef dinner and coffee for just over ten euro!  The potatoes were amazing – full of flavour and so dry and fluffy and the beef perfectly cooked.   
“You’re having your dinner under the sky!  Sure, isn’t that grand,” remarked a friendly passer by who then ignored me and spent the rest of her time talking to Eliot! He was being particularly well behaved and obediently rolled over for a bit of tummy scratching.
Looking back towards the Mournes from Greenore and Omeath provided some beautiful views but ten minutes after these pictures we were swamped in torrential rain! 
At least the rain held off last night when dozens of folk took part in a charity walk for OHMH (One Home Many Hopes).  That’s a charity run by Thomas, a young cousin of mine.  He lives in New York and raises money for the Kenyan charity.
It was good to catch up with many folk from church and district on the walk.  My friend Eva and I (with Eliot) opted for the three mile walk though some of the fitter folk did the five mile option.  Our route took us across the beach on the way back and we were ready for the tea and buns, with ice cream and jelly, when we returned to the church halls.  Let’s hope that OHMH was well supported through the walk.
Another day passes all too quickly as we are about to enter the last week of holidays!  
There is plenty more to see and do before we leave here.

If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
and hope in him through all thy ways,
he’ll give thee strength whate’er betide thee,
and bear thee through the evil days;
who trusts in God’s unchanging love
builds on the rock that nought can move.

Church Hymnal number 15
Georg Neumark (1621-81) translated by Catherine Winkworth (1827-78)


Cait said...

The Fairy Glen just sounds like a beautiful, magical place! Your pictures do it justice :) If I ever manage to get back over there, I'll have to look it up and go for a stroll!

Happy to hear you ran into an old friend, too :)

Loey said...

What a beautiful place & a lovely day :D