Tuesday 17 August 2010

2010:365:229 Holidays are for ...

…watching the boats come home.
After this morning's walk on the beach Eliot and I had a wander around the harbour to watch the smaller trawlers land last night’s catch. 
The morning was dull … very different from the glorious sunrise of the other morning. 
 Cloud cover is eight eights although the forecast suggests that the day will brighten later.
 Little waves were crashing on the shingle and, as usual, Eliot decided that it would be good to come home soaking wet!
I spent a while trying to take pictures of the waves …
… again …
… and again! 
 What you can’t capture is the sound!
I did also manage to look at the detail on the beach as well.  These little yellow shells are about half a centimetre long... and shine out so brightly even on a dark and wintry morning!
 No wonder Eliot was confused and kept a close eye on what I was doing.
 The seagulls were all engaged in following the boats so there were none on the beach for him to chase today.  There must be good pickings from the various bits and pieces that are thrown overboard.  It is always fun to watch the boats come into the harbour and that was a good way to end our morning ramble. 
 Most of the activity was at the auction shed.  We didn’t go across to see what was happening so just took a few shots of the larger vessels and began to think about home.
By this stage drizzle was starting and breakfast was a more attractive option!  This is another place to revisit when more of the boats are berthed.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
whose arm doth bind the restless wave,
who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep
its own appointed limits keep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.

O Trinity of love and power,
sustain us all in danger’s hour;
through wreck and tempest, grief and loss,
renew the triumph of the Cross:
and ever let there rise to thee
glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

Church Hymnal number 612
William Whiting (verses 1 and 4)


Cait said...

Hi there!

Just a random perusal brought me to your page, and I just wanted to tell you how much I love all of your photos! You really catch the essence of everything I love (and miss) about Ireland... the foggy water, the wet sand and shells, the cool breeze... I can feel and smell them :) Thank you!

Also, your dog is gorgeous!!!

Hope you don't mind if I follow you! Looking forward to more photos. All the best :)

keneva said...

Good to see a comment from Cait - my Cait I believe! Repeat of the walk tonight with better weather - sunshine even! Beautiful pictures as ever - keep it up!

keneva said...

Not my Cait I see but lovely comment anyway!

Loey said...

Your day looked a bit cold & bleak, however, your photos are so clear & catpure the mood. It must be the light in your part of the world.
Eliot is having a grand time. How nice not to be contricted by the city.