Wednesday 17 October 2012

Open Church Coffee Time

I nearly forgot!  This was mentioned in the earlier blog but I never did explain what it means.
Quite simply ... Saint Nicholas' Parish Church plans to open almost every Saturday for free tea and coffee ... of course ... if you insist on giving a donation it will go half to the church and half to CMSI (Church Mission Society Ireland).
The banners have some details from the stained glass windows in the church.  Already a number of folk have dropped in and it is possible to bring your lunch too so that you can picnic in the beautiful surroundings.
 There's always something to do around the building and the garden ... when the days are fine there's time to tend the roses and plant flowers in the borders!

The Worship on Wednesday group (WOW) raised some money at the annual Car Boot Sale and have provided cyclamen to brighten the autumn border.

 So, if you're on the Lisburn Road on a Saturday morning ... look out for our signs and join us for tea or coffee.


Mellissa said...

Good to see the blog again.
Flowers and beds look beautiful.

Brilliant idea to open
the church.
Will come in for coffee one Saturday.

Rev Elizabeth said...

Thank you .... will try to keep the blog going ...
you can bring your lunch on Saturdays to the Open Church ... some folk do this.
We're trying to reach out to the surrounding community.