Wednesday 13 July 2011

Well ... no ....

... I never did get back last night to comment on the Twelfth, the bands, good weather, last evening with Paul before he headed off to France ... Italy ... Austria .... and a dozen and one other things.
Nor was your attention drawn to the growth of the little piece of mint that I brought home from a beautiful dessert and put in water ... it now has good strong roots and will be planted in some compost tomorrow (when I go and get some compost)!
It had crossed my mind to add some pictures from the Belfast parade ... but out of over four hundred it would be hard to choose just one or two!  And that was yesterday ... a long time ago ... already fading into the mists of time!
The proverb, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" was another idea for making the blog more informative ... that can wait until the next apple picture!
So, today .... farewell to Paul before seven o'clock this morning as he headed off on the next part of his European experience.  Goldliner from Belfast to Dublin to catch the plane for France.  I do hope the journey was a smooth one.
It's been a "thin" day for pictures today ... just the usual 365Project offering ... some rhubarb fresh from the garden this morning ... through photograph to pot in less than ten minutes.  Very sweet and tasty!
It's hard to imagine that once upon a time we ate this raw and just dipped in sugar!

Help us to share in Christ's ministry 
of love and service to one another; 
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, 
who in the unity of the Holy Spirit 
is one with you for ever. Amen.

Wednesday prayers. 


ROBERTA said...

I took that same goldliner to dublin from's a smooth ride for sure - though i was sad to leave...blessings on Paul's continued journey - i'm sure he leaves you and Eliot with great memories...

Nancy Wallace said...

I didn't know people used to eat rhubarb raw. I tried a piece I've just harvested - sorry, even dipped in sugar I prefer the cooked version, preferably with ginger or banana added (and sugar).

Rev Elizabeth said...

Oh yes, raw rhubarb is for children! I wouldn't want to eat it raw now!
Rhubarb and ginger is very good ... so is rhubarb and orange! Both of those make a very tasty jam.