Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday Fun Day.

 It wasn't a very bright start to the day although the cloud cover was, in geographer's terms, only seven eights.  That gave hope for a better day than we've had recently.  But, lying at my feet during breakfast, or going for a sniff around (one friends described this as reading the news) Eliot was oblivious to the weather - or to the importance of having a good day!
He can be so insensitive!
 I suppose if your life revolves around food - walk - sleep - food .... nothing else matters too much at all.  He certainly doesn't lie awake at night worrying about the economy or if there'll be food in his dish in the morning!  He is, however, always alert ... especially if the squirrel might appear!
 My thoughts early in the morning were of the planned Fun Day at church.  By seven o'clock there were balloons on the railings and posters up advertising the afternoon.  I'd hired a Fairground Organ too so I wanted the weather to be fine for that.  And ... it was!
The "Hallelujah Chorus" is one of the 'tracks' from over a hundred that can be played .... a musician who looked at this picture says that this is the line, "King of kings and Lord of lords ... "  It's a good reminder of the One who is in control no matter what happens!
 The cards are fed into the organ from the left side ... why didn't I take a short video?!!  It is a sound that reminds you of the seaside ("I do like to be beside the seaside" is one of the tunes) and holidays.  Those carefree days of youth when the sun always shone and there was an endless supply of ice cream and candy floss .... no ... we didn't have much candy floss now that I come to think of it.  Something about it not being good for you!
 This guy is the owner of the organ ... he's an organ builder by trade and looks after the one in Saint Nicholas'.  You can hire the Fairground Organ from him!
 We were fascinated by the mechanism and all the percussion as well as the organ stops operated with huge bellows.
 On the front there are three figures ... what could be more seaside town than these fair ladies?
 It was only after the pictures were put on the computer that the little fly sitting on the blond's hair became obvious!
 Between the two beauties stands the band master ... I'm not sure what more you could say about him!
We'll have the organ again tomorrow when the parish bring a picnic and the youngsters (and the brave adults) can enjoy the bouncy castle!
Now, with the dog once more at my feet, it's time to call it a day!  The little rugby ball that he's clutching hopefully will have to wait for another occasion!

Merciful God, 
you have prepared for those who love you 
such good things as pass our understanding: 
Pour into our hearts such love toward you 
that we, loving you above all things, 
may obtain your promises, 
which exceed all that we can desire; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Collect of the Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Book of Common Prayer

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