Sunday 31 July 2011

A quick "Good night"

 All you need on a dull grey morning (again) is the splash of crocosmia growing at the base of the hedge.  Its cheery orange brightens up the day.
 Eliot often vanishes when we're in the garden ... and it isn't a huge space ... so today I decided to follow him.  Behold!  A private tunnel!
 He was just sitting in it when I peeped round the entrance!  I think there are some toys in it so maybe I need to venture down it at some stage just to see what is hidden there.
Eliot always goes in at the end but invariably emerges through the hedge!  I "lay in wait!" for him to catch this picture!
This has been a long and busy day after a long and busy day yesterday ... so .... good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha love it - Karmen has a few 'hideouts' in our garden too. Hope you slept well :)) take care, Judyx