Monday 13 December 2010

Advent at home.

Advent comes right into my home as well as into Saint Nicholas'.  This little brass ring goes back a long way ... I don't remember when I first used it ... and usually at home I have red candles.  There's no particular reason except that the narrow purple and pink ones are a little more difficult to find!
Already we're in the third week ... the carol service is over and the Christingle just around the corner.  The Christmas gifts for the housebound have been parcelled up and are being delivered and appointments are being made for home Holy Communion services.  I want to do as many of those next week as is possible - I like it being near to the celebration of Christmas itself. 
Of course, somewhere I need to find a minute or two for my own Christmas preparation - for present buying and food preparation.  Usually I do a late night (middle of the night) shop for the essential groceries ... so that doesn't really trouble me.  For this one I need to be in the store itself and not rely on a home delivery, however convenient that might be.
At least now the electrician has been I have lights downstairs again and the smoke alarm has stopped being a nuisance!  He's a great chap ... but I think he forgot that he was supposed to come so I had a few (quite a few) extra days of inconvenience.  But it truly was only mildly inconvenient ... table lamps still worked so I wasn't totally in the dark!  
In all of the things that are going on there's still time to pause a while and reflect on the greater truths, the eternal mysteries.  God became man and lived with us.  How staggering is that?!
He came - the true light that brings light to the entire world.  
Even as I'm typing, this candle burns on the mantelpiece. A reminder of light of Christ that shines in our hearts and through us brings light to the world.  
Some years ago a Mothers' Union group gave me a useful wee book of prayers ... tonight's prayer and thought comes from it.

Be blessed, O God,
in your doing, and your refraining,
in your creating, and your sustaining,
in your working, and in your rest.
Quiet at the centre of movement.
Joy at the centre of pain.
Peace at the centre of strife.

Margaret Cropper (1886-1980)

I weave a silence on to my lips.
I weave a silence into my mind.
I weave a silence within my heart.
I close my ears to distractions.
I close my eyes to attractions.
I close my heart to temptations.

Calm me O Lord, as you stilled the storm.
Still me O Lord, keep me from harm.
Let all tumult within me cease.
Enfold me Lord in your peace.

David Adam

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