Sunday 19 December 2010

Advent 4

 This is the finished product from yesterday's Christingle kits.  We had a good turnout of young people and children for the service and, as far as I know, no one was burned with matches or candles ... though you do wonder sometimes if I should be let loose with children and fire!  Who gives a three year old a burning match and then assumes she'll know how to use it properly?!  Thankfully Dad came to the rescue and the Advent wreath was lit successfully.
At home I tried the "fork's eye view" for this shot.  The wreath sits just below the Kenyan drum and it was fun to try for a different angle ... not long now until Christmas Day and the lighting of the final tall white candle.
More snow today has added a fresh layer on top of the already deeply frozen footpaths... and no sign of a thaw...  tonight is the coldest night on record in Northern Ireland.  This really is going to make the few days before Christmas very difficult for many people. Tomorrow most of my home communions are close to hand ... later in the week I'm scheduled to travel further afield.... not looking forward to those trips.

O come, thou Rod of Jesse, free
thine own from Satan's tyranny;
from depths of hell thy people save,
and give them vict'ry o'er the grave.
     Rejoice!  Rejoice!
     Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. 

Church Hymnal number 135
Advent Antiphons


ROBERTA said...

I've never seen a Christingle kit before...very cool....keep warm:)

emilene said...

What a lovely part of the world you live in! I'll be following your posts from now on...

Regards from a sunny Cape Town!