Saturday 18 September 2010

2010:365:261 The maker's mark.

Somewhere, on each piece of Tyrone Crystal, there'll be the maker's mark.  Discrete and small it will be etched into the glass and will forever mark that piece out as special.  The factory has closed now so I treasure even more the few items that I have.
Today, for 365Project, I couldn't think of an exciting picture.  So I did what is normal for me in these circumstances, take photographs of the nearest object.  That just happened to be a Tyrone Crystal paper knife.  
To see the factory mark you need to go a little closer.
The first thing that you notice is the paper sticker - but that would wash off - so you have to look a little further along!
Move the magnifying lens to the top of the handle and you'll find (on these more recent pieces) a wee castle and the word "Tyrone" etched into the crystal. 
I used a torch to get some lighting on the letters.
Older items from this factory have just the letter "T" in a Gothic style .... maybe next time that I'm stuck for a picture I'll go searching for that.  I can't find any history of when the marks changed.
However ... the idea of having the maker's mark appealed to me ... after all ... we're told that human beings bear the image of God ... awesome thought!  I guess I'll have to use the Sunday prayer to make a connection with that thought!

Blessed are you, Lord our God,
redeemer and king of all;
to you be glory and praise for ever!
From the waters of chaos you drew forth the world,
and in your great love, fashioned us in your image.
Now, through the deep waters of death
you have brought your people to new birth
by raising your Son to life in triumph. 
May we, the firstfruits of your new creation,
rejoice in this new day you have made;
may Christ your light ever dawn in our hearts
as we offer you our sacrifice of thanks and praise,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
Blessed be God for ever!

Celebrating Common Prayer
Form 1 - Sundays


A Dagenham Girl said...

how very beautiful - well I don't have any Tyrone pieces but I do have some Belleek Porcelain which was given to us presents when we left Ireland in 1990.

Loey said...

I like you crystal pieces.
Imagine looking for the "mark" how wonderful to find it too!

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.