Monday, 6 September 2010

2010:365:249 Morning

The sky at eight o'clock this morning is very similar to last night's except that the wind is stronger.  It would be a day for office work if I didn't have to go out to a couple of hospitals ... 
Blogging early means that I can put away the computer for the remainder of the day!  It also means I can show the solution to a "mystery object" 365Project picture.
One definition of "technology" reads:
Application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human environment. Technology includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive. 
The original patent for this item was given in January 1942.  It was invented in France by Jean Mantelet and called the "portable rotary grater".  I'm not sure how old my model is but probably the 1970s.  Still "Made in France" but I suspect the stainless steel is a little more flimsy than were the original versions.
It does the job!  And that's what you want technology to do.  A tool is to make life easier - and for grating cheese, chocolate and a variety of other things, this gadget works!
Modern versions have plastic handles and I have a Mouli made completely from orange plastic (apart from the cutting blades).  Earlier ones had painted wooden turning handles.
The Mouli is around eighteen centimetres long and a piece of technology that I'd not like to be without!

Blessed are you, creator God;
to you be glory and praise for ever!
Your Spirit moved over the face of the waters
to bring light and life to your creation.
Pour out your Spirit on us this day,
that we may walk as children of light
and by your grace reveal your presence,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
Blessed be God for ever!

Celebrating Common Prayer
Monday morning. 


Liz S said...

I'd forgotten these - granny had one! I use a food processor but this is much more convenient.... I wouldn't have guessed what it was from the first photo.

Elizabeth said...

For small bits this is much more useful and so much easier to wash!

Loey said...

Such a nice compact kitchen tool - very good.