Friday 3 September 2010

2010:365:246 Sweets and sore feet ...

The night before the car boot sale!  We were so busy setting out tons and tons of goods that I forgot to take pictures!  That will be remedied in the morning.  
It was so encouraging to see how many members of Mothers' Union and our family and friends turned up to assist with all the jobs.  Having a number of men around for carrying heavy boxes and moving tables was a great help.  If they were reading this then I'd want to send a huge thank you to each one of them. 
I bought some sweets today that I'll give to one of the stallholders who can sell them off at a very low price!  So that ended up being the 365Project picture!
These are simultaneously the most awful and the most addictive wee sweets that money can buy.  Of course, I did have to sample a few ... 
... the cola bottles reminded me of the endless song, "Ten green bottles hanging on the wall..."  I know they're not actually green, but hey, a bit of imagination goes a long way!
The gold bears are each a different flavour (apparently)!  I can't tell the difference between them but maybe that's just because I'm blinded by sugar.  These little guys look as if they're somewhat puzzled by the big fried egg - or is it a flying saucer .... ?
They do provide a very cheerful pile and no doubt will be popular with the younger folk - although I know more than one adult, self included, who is rather partial to a bag or two!
The tangy ones are an interesting sensation as the acid makes your tongue squirm!  
Now what more can you say about sweets?  I draw the line at printing out the ingredients ... though if you're interested ....!
If I'm going to be on car parking duty at 6.30 am then I think a very early night is a necessity!  Already today I've been at work related activities for over fourteen hours .... so maybe I can, without a pang of guilt, call it a day!  It has been good and a very varied day ... but my feet are calling out for horizontal rest.  
Good night everyone and do please come to the car boot sale tomorrow morning if you can!

Go, and know that the Lord goes with you,
let him lead you each day
into the quiet place of your heart
where he will speak with you;
know that he loves you and
watches over you - that he
listens to you in gentle understanding,
that he is with you always,
wherever you are and however you may feel;
and the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
be with you and remain with you always.

1 comment:

Loey said...

You are very kind :D