Friday 27 August 2010

2010:365:239 Mouse and random thoughts ...

The Rectory has had more than its share of mice over the past year!  With the help of some good friends most of the access routes have been blocked off and there's a treat (should that read 'trap') or two waiting for any who stray over the threshold.  Hopefully the last of them has been caught and no more furry friends will find their way into every corner and crevice of the house.
Therefore, it might be a surprise to discover that these same good friends left me a mouse for my amusement!   This one now sits ready to frighten the unwary with a beady eye and a rather luminous red nose.   It wouldn't be truthful to say that I like it ... but it does amuse me!
Today's 365Project photograph wasn't the mouse though .... wish I'd thought of doing it ... but too late now!
No, the selected picture was the new kettle!
Sleek, black and shiny it has replaced the leaking see-through model.  It's not nearly so much fun to watch but at least it isn't leaving big puddles on the bench.  
There were a few other pictures added to the collection today as well.  The orchids are in full bloom again and this older one has produced a wealth of flowers. 
The detail is just amazing. 
It does your heart good to stop and study the flower heads up close.
During the holidays a friend gave me a piece of calligraphy that she had commissioned for me so one of the first things I did this morning was find a place for it.  
The words are from Hamlet.
"Those friends thou hast 
and their adoption tried
grapple them unto thy soul
with hoops of steel."  
It has been an odd sort of day: getting back into the swing of things, meeting people and beginning to get organised for the new church year.

Let nothing disturb thee,
nothing affright thee;
all things are passing,
God never changeth!
Patient endurance attaineth to all things;
who God possesseth
in nothing is wanting;
alone God sufficeth.

Daily Office: Midday Prayer
Celtic Daily Prayer (Northumbria Community)

1 comment:

Loey said...

Lovely post for today.
I like your "Eliot" cushion :D