Friday 20 August 2010

2010:365:232 Holidays ...

... keeping warm at home!
It was a dull morning and Eliot is still waiting patiently for his walk.  Meanwhile the fire is lit and the coffee pot filled.
Earlier today while watching breakfast news I cleaned the brass.  That’s as far as housework will go today.  Holidays are not for spring cleaning!  
The simple life of being a tourist-at-home suits me well! As someone pointed out yesterday – if I were staying in an hotel I’d not be cleaning and cooking!

 A few pictures!  Fuchsia, candles and fire … The room always feels more cosy with the fire lit and it is cold enough for it to be (almost) necessary.  The double advantage of this fire is its back boiler which gives a tank full of hot water very quickly.  It can also be set to stay lit overnight so that the embers are still glowing in the morning, ready for fresh fuel to be added.
 There will be no shortage of things to do today and perhaps the watercolours will be used at last!  They’ve been sitting around since the holidays started but nothing achieved.  You’ve got to be “in the mood” to paint – or so I used to tell my frustrated art teacher in school. 
Sometimes inspiration would hit and I’d paint all day and most of the night … other times she couldn’t get me to lift a brush!  I think one of her fears was that inspiration wouldn’t hit on the days of my A Level exams!  Teachers can be so patient with awkward pupils and Mrs N was surely a saint!
If the forecast rain doesn’t come I’ll probably go to Cloughmore today.  If that happens there’ll have to be a Part B to the blog for some pictures.
Eliot has been caught napping on the spare room bed!  As soon as he heard the camera click he was down in a flash ... guilty conscience wee dog?  For now, I’ll post this and get painting (or something)!

Summer suns are glowing
over land and sea,
happy light is flowing
bountiful and free.
Every thing rejoices
in the mellow rays,
all earth’s thousand voices
swell the psalm of praise.

Church Hymnal number 82
W Walsham How (1823-97)


Ali said...

I can smell the turf from here ....

Cait said...

What do you paint? I've been contemplating taking up a few painting projects after we move - living in apartments isn't really conducive to wall painting, so need to find other venues to decorate his room! But I'm not so good at that sort of thing, so we'll see. Every once in awhile I get lucky and create something that actually looks like what it's meant to!

And speaking of artwork, I actually just commented to say that I love that Tiger piece above the fireplace :) My favorite animal!

Hope you're keeping warm!

travelingtwosome said...

I love seeing how you're spending your holiday. I thought you were traveling again, but I see you're enjoying your own fireside...and what a lovely one it is! (Love your picture, too, of the fuchsia blossoms)

Rev Elizabeth said...

Thanks for all the comments.... weather varies from day to day. Only three days of holiday left.

Loey said...

What cosy shots for your entry today.