Tuesday 1 June 2010

2010:365:152 Many odds and ends...

Are you in focus....?  There are days when so much is going on that it is hard to keep one's eye on all that's happening!
The big event in the diary was the anticipated arrival of the "Tour de Connor" at 3.15 pm.  The Reverend Bill Boyce, his curate Andrew and some others were due to arrive to receive the list of names from Saint Nicholas' of those who had died from cancer and some money towards their fund raising effort.  
Last year Sandra, Bill's wife, died from cancer on 6th June.  This 346 mile cycle is in memory of her and to raise funds for the Cancer Care Centre at the City Hospital.  Today they'll have visited forty Church of Ireland churches in Belfast.  We were all given details of when to expect them and, just a few minutes behind schedule, they arrived to a welcome from a group of parishioners who were able to be there to meet them.
In the church I handed over our gift and list of names to Bill.  They had a quick look around and then moved on to their next venue, Saint John's, Malone.  The Tour will end on Sunday, 6th June in Bill's church with a special service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance at which the Archbishop will preach.
There are details of the route available: http://www.connordiocese.org.uk/index.cfm?do=news&newsid=841
While their arrival was the fixed point of the day there were other things to be included as well.
A hair cut, for example.  Suddenly the pre-holiday trim needed attention and fortunately Gerard was able to take me this morning.
I was happy with the result and glad to have it sitting properly for the photographs and video of the "Tour de Connor".  (The feather earrings are yet another pair from Turkey!)  Before going out to the hairdresser my printer had run out of ink part way through doing the church magazine.  Considering that I'd spent almost all of yesterday and a good bit of last night working on it, I wasn't too pleased.
The local office supplies keeps a good range of inks and had mine in stock, so all was well... I returned home from the salon, finished the print run and got ready for the office - the real, working office!!
However.... the photocopier ran out of toner after just four copies!!! It really wasn't my day!
The very helpful supplier dispatched a rider to me and he arrived within ten minutes of the phone call.... so again, all was well.
The Messenger is now printed, stapled and folded.  All is ready for me to hand it over later this evening, or tomorrow morning (more likely) for others to do the bundles and sorting for delivery.  
We really are blessed in Saint Nicholas' with so many folk willing to take on background jobs to keep things running smoothly.  
By this stage I was hungry having grabbed just a quick Saint Michael's sandwich for an early lunch. 
Calling in at the Co-op I got all sorts of healthy things to stock up the fridge, fell victim to a special offer on some sweets, and made my way home.  Big mistake in there!  Eating the sweets was NOT A GOOD IDEA! How stupid can you be.... no wonder the keyboard in the leading photograph seems a bit fuzzy!!  And I still haven't eaten any of the healthy things.
Actually it was quite fun playing with the camera and trying to get that kind of picture... straight out of the camera without any cropping or processing!  
The poor dog has hardly seen me all day... he really does deserve a walk before it gets dark and maybe that would help to burn off all that sugar.  Actually, it wasn't a very big bag of wine gums.... but just eating them at the wrong time!  Lesson learned!  Maybe I should use the "sweet free" checkout in future!
Tomorrow looks like another busy day.... has this blog become nothing more than a record of daily life?  What has happened to all the deep reflections and worthy thoughts?  But I suppose the 365Project was supposed to document daily life throughout 2010 and today was surely "daily life!"

Teach me, my God and King,
in all things thee to see;
and what I do in any thing
to do it as for thee.

A servant with this clause
makes drudgery divine;
who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,
makes that and the action fine.

Church Hymnal number 601
by George Herbert

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