Monday 19 April 2010

2010:365:109 Just a few pictures...

This plant wound round and round a central frame fills half of my study windowsill.  Its life began as a short two or three inch long cutting with just four leaves that I begged from the office staff at what was then London Bible College.  It rooted easily and over the years has produced many more generations of aromatic grandchildren.  At present there are twenty or more flowers all dropping sweet sticky nectar on the sill - fortunately it is quarry tiles so will be easy enough to clean off.

The 365Project theme this week is "Worm's Eye View" so I spent a while with the camera very close to the soil and in danger from the nectar drops.  All was well and a few pictures were presentable.  It wasn't my intention to take the hoya photograph but I uploaded this one to the 365Project and thought that I'd play with it for display here!

Having bought some silver dip I wanted to take a picture of the fuchsia earrings that I'm wearing today.  That was a bit of an experiment in background colours and in using pages to throw coloured shadows.  The scene was fairly simple!  The pages were changed from blue to purple or orange to see what worked best on the silver.
The only editing in these photographs is some cropping.  
The fuchsia is one of my favourite bushes.  It too grows easily from cuttings and in south Down is used extensively for hedging.  
I think the green (with blue shadow) is my to see how things look different depending on the angle and the colours around. 
Well, this is Monday and the day for starting to look at the sermon for next Sunday.  That's All Age Worship in Saint Nicholas' so I'll be looking for something suitable for both adults and children.  We have a United Evening Service next week so there's a wee bit of preparation for that.  An evening service has a  particularly good atmosphere but sadly they're not so well attended in the city these days.  There's a more gentle, reflective mood in the evening.  
Maybe an evening prayer here to finish off....

Lord Almighty,
come and scatter the darkness of our hearts
by the light of your presence;
that we may know you
the Light of the world
and the one true God,
blessed this night and for evermore.  Amen.

Book of Common Prayer
A Late Evening Office

1 comment:

Loey said...

A very apt prayer for me tonight - thank you Elizabeth.