Friday 12 March 2010

2010:365:71 S is for Snapshot of Small Snapshot of Smiling Sisters Standing Sightseeing in the Summer in the Sixties (Snap is Sitting on Scarlet Sac with Sugar)

This photograph was taken in 1964 at the top of Nelson's Pillar which was blown up in 1966.  Happy days!  We used to climb to the top of the 121 foot high column regularly.  If you Google a search you'll find plenty more information on this controversial landmark.
Suggestions abounded for the letter "S".  Snails were rejected without any consideration.  Sunshine and sleep, saints, sand and socks were all considered.  Finally I opted for sisters!  
The Senior Sister (me) you've met already and there's enough information to fill a book if you search through some of the older posts.  Sufficient to say that I'm enjoying this 365Project challenge very much and finding suitable illustrations for the letters has been very satisfying.  
Second Sister - she and her husband are selling a house.  A beautiful, detached and incredibly "Spick and Span" and well maintained bungalow in Holywood, County Down.  If you're reading on the "real blog" and not the "Facebook version" click on the title and it will take you to their house.  Someone out there wants a dwelling into which you could simply walk and be at home - you'd not even have to dust!
Smallest Sister is a Sudoku Specialist....and pretty good at many other things too - but you'll understand that I've been looking for words that begin with "S"!  She's also a bit sporty (racing car sporty) and it is thanks to her that I got yesterday's Crosslé Car picture.
So there you have us.  Three daughters of wonderful parents and whose lives have changed just a wee bit since 1964!  Childhood was a special time filled with memories of picnics, outings and fun that will last us a lifetime.

God of compassion,
whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary,
shared the life of a home in Nazareth,
and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself:
Strengthen us in our daily living
that in joy and in sorrow
we may know the power of your presence
to bind together and to heal;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 
Book of Common Prayer
Collect of Mothering Sunday

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