Saturday 30 January 2010

2010:365:30 The house of the Lord

In a "fifth Sunday month" we're using a list of the parishioners' favourite hymns to guide the choice of music for the main service.  Tomorrow's selection includes: 
Angel voices, ever singing round thy throne of light... 
Amazing grace... 
What a friend we have in Jesus... 
O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end... 
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side... 
Jesus calls us!  O'er the tumult of our life's wild restless sea...
The planned sermon will focus on "The house of the Lord".  
A verse from "Angel voices..." anticipates the response that is echoed in some of the other hymns:

In thy house, great God, we offer
of thine own to thee;
and for thine acceptance proffer,
all unworthily,
hearts and minds, and hands and voices,
in our choicest

Almighty God, 
whose only Son has opened for us 
a new and living way into your presence: 
Give us pure hearts and steadfast wills 
to worship you in spirit and in truth, 
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

The Collect of the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Book of Common Prayer


Anonymous said...

I love Liberia singing 'Be still my soul' - have a good day, Judyx

Anonymous said...

Oh dear it is in fact LIBERA that sing!!

Etta said...

With such a list of favourites, I'm quite sure the singing will be great.