Wednesday 4 March 2009


It wasn't intentional, so it probably doesn't count as a Lent penance.... for what feels like ages the reliable (mostly) blue Punto hasn't been tootling up and down the Lisburn Road. Indeed, since last Friday it hasn't tootled anywhere - except on the back of a tow truck!
The repair shop is doing its best but they have to wait for the manufacturers who haven't delivered the required part. They've done what they can...but now, like me, they have to wait. Unlike me, they don't have to walk!
The dog thinks all his birthdays have arrived as we pad up and down to church - it would be the week when I've needed to be in the office a few times. Funny thing is - you meet more folk when you're walking - and maybe especially because you're walking with a rather handsome dog!
When the good weather comes, if it comes, I imagine that we'll do this walk a few times.
It is amazing how much we depend on one particular type of transport. How easy it has been to pop Eliot in the boot and go where we please. I'm not sure that the buses would welcome him...wonder how I could find out?
Hopefully the phone will ring early in the morning and all will be well again...if is going to be another long walk....

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