Friday 24 February 2012

Out of the habit ....

Days slip into weeks ... weeks into months ...
And when things are busy (or I'm sick) then the blog goes not just to the bottom of the list but into oblivion! The last week has had both events in equal measure.
Working backwards quickly ... Ash Wednesday ... the first of four services was at 7.30 am.  This is the service of penitence with the imposition of ashes ... not a big congregation at that hour of the morning!  Before anyone arrived it was rather good just to sit in the side chapel in the quiet while it was still dark outside.
The previous day was Shrove Tuesday ... however for our Mothers' Union and Ladies' Guild it was CHRISTMAS!
This all happened last year by 'accident'.  The annual dinner was postponed due to very heavy snow and ice.  Everyone liked the idea so much that the meal has been moved to February ... still the traditional fare of Broth, Turkey and Ham followed by Christmas Pudding!  Santa comes and the gifts are great fun.  Christmas music is played and, I nipped up to the attic and brought down my Christmas Tree just for a laugh!  It all added to the atmosphere when thirty one of us had a fantastic evening.
It is good to dress up a bit, wear the Christmas Cracker hats and, after the food was cleared, bring in the dog for his fan club to play with.
I suspect if he'd come in during the meal there might have been a few bits and pieces fall to the floor by accident ... not good for him!
What with Ash Wednesday and Christmas ... it is time to think about holidays!  I happened to see the Italy photographs on the bookshelf so enjoyed a bit of looking back on a great trip a long, long time ago!  Twenty years now!
Hopefully I'll get back to that wonderful country this summer ... a different part ... photographs galore, no doubt!
We do get our own little bit of sunshine from time to time.  Sunday morning was one of those rare times.  Saint Nicholas' looked good and the seagulls enjoyed the winter warmth.
It was only when this picture came up on the larger screen that the gull's shadow could be seen!  A happy accident ... wish I could say that it was planned.
Eliot had a walk and managed to get very dirty ... and smelly.  Enough said on that!
He's still easily distracted by a small point of light ... I can torment him for ages ...
... and then he remembers the bones ... and that noisy occupation distracts him for a while.
He wasn't quite sure what to make of the couple of days that I spent in bed ... Norovirus everywhere ... and again ... enough said!
The bewildered "nurse" just looked on with a pathetic gaze ...
Fortunately the Parish Magazine came off the press before the virus struck ... the trauma teddies making the cover photograph.
So ... just a quick flick back over the last eight days ... and a Lenten intention of getting back to a daily note or two .... 
The Ash Wednesday Collect ... 

Almighty and everlasting God, 
you hate nothing that you have made 
and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: 
Create and make in us new and contrite hearts 
that we, worthily lamenting our sins 
and acknowledging our wretchedness, 
may receive from you, the God of all mercy, 
perfect remission and forgiveness; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


keneva said...

Glad to see you back here. So Italy is the summer venue! Enjoy planning.

lesleyc said...

Hear hear!

julie moreland said...

that italy trip was august 1989 i remember it well