Friday 15 April 2011

Why not ...

... polish the brass door knobs instead of finishing off three talks (plus leaflets) for MU Quiet Day tomorrow, sermon for Sunday (and do the notice sheet), sermon for Monday in Holy Week and also preparation for Three Hours at the Cross on Good Friday ... to list but the top few things on today's "to do" list?
Cleaning brass really is a very satisfying thing to do!

I shall be
verie busie
this day. I
may forget
Thee but doe
not Thou
forget me.
Sir Jacob Astley
“Prayer before the Battle of Edge Hill,” 1643


keneva said...

This is one of my favourite prayers - one I need every day!

ROBERTA said...

oh dear. i'm supposed to be working on a holy wednesday/service of reconciliation homily at this very moment but instead i'm searching for new photos of eliot:)

i must step away from the computer and get to work!

Rev Elizabeth said...

Sorry Roberta ... Eliot won't be appearing until Monday! He's in kennels as I have had a couple of days when there was no time to look after him! He'll be glad to see me on Monday ... and I can't wait to see him again! And he will smell gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

One whiff of Brasso and I'm transported in my memory to my granny's wee house and the Saturday night ritual of doing the brasses. What she'd make now of her brass wotnot languishing in my house! I'll be thinking of you during this busy week. MrsMcF

Freda said...

You do keep finding the wonderful prayers! It always used to amaze me how the house was shining as I devoted myself to housework instead of finishing the sermon! A happy and blessed Holy Week to you and yours.