Tuesday 26 April 2011

Temptation ...

... just to go to bed and blog tomorrow.  However ... photographs were taken and I need to put them somewhere ...
Let's start at the very beginning.  7.30 am in the garden.  Peace and quiet just listening to the weeds mocking me.  I think they were blowing raspberries!  But I ignored them as did the beautiful beast!
 Eliot was just a little distracted by the sounds of the dog show at the King's Hall ... it meant that he was at my feet and I did manage to get a few reasonably good pictures.
I was in the bower ... this is going to be a useful place.
 It's a restful corner well away from phones and internet.
 Well ... this is the weed-bed!  Once upon a time beautiful flowers bloomed here.  Eliot manages to flatten a few ... but the trouble isn't the dog ... the weeds have taken over!  So, I had a visit to the garden centre and, apart from a very nice meeting with a couple of friends, I purchased a spade!  Brand spanking new sharp spade ... it is however still in its protective wrapper!  With an amount of lifting, carrying, grass fertilizer spreading ... my energy was exhausted!  The weeds have a reprieve for another day.  At this rate I'll have sweet pea for Christmas!  The only seeds that I allowed myself to buy were some cornflower ... I know that there are sweet pea somewhere in the house ... and a few other things that I bought a while ago .... wonder where they are?!!
 The Ulster Museum was on my list of places to be this afternoon.  I knew that this music group (whose name I've forgotten) were due to be playing there and didn't want to miss them.
 What a wonderful buzz it gave to the entrance area.  They had a big selection of percussion instruments for children to use and at times there was a good crowd gathered around them.  It was such fun to see everyone dancing and moving to the music.
 This little girl got a lot of encouragement from Andrea and eventually she ended up with tambourines in both hands!  She had a ball ... and it looked as if the musicians were thoroughly enjoying themselves as well.
 I'd gone for the music but then managed to fit in one or two of the exhibits as well.  The brass Belfast Fire Brigade helmet dates from the 1930s.
 The shoes are spectacular ... as was an exhibition of "Glitz" in dresses of the early twentieth century.  But time was pressing and, if possible, I always visit the Reynolds.
 This painting was acquired by the museum in 1970 when I was at Queen's University and, since I lived just a few streets from the building, I popped in to see it a few times every week.  It has so many memories for me of those years in Sandhurst Drive and I still like to take a peek at her whenever I'm in the vicinity.
I do wish that the information beside each painting could be in larger print.  You're not allowed up close to the pictures and I find it almost impossible to read the tiny print ... I did mention it when the building re-opened ... maybe it could be mentioned again.  I don't know how anyone in a wheel chair could even begin to see the words as they're at adult standing height as well.  And the visually challenged or shortsighted ... not a chance!  Maybe all visitors should ask the people on duty to read out the labels ...
 Eventually the museum closed and as I made my way back to the car this lone tulip was in bloom in the middle of a bed of foliage plants.  It looked like a stray and there were no other tulips anywhere near it ... but the colours caught my attention ...
It has been strange to have a second day off ... usually there's only Thursday (or sometimes just most of it if there's an evening meeting) and then it's back to work ... so this week is different with both Monday and Tuesday as holiday.  It felt almost wrong not to be working ... but I have appreciated the chance to relax and enjoy the variety that such a day affords.  Doing a bit of gardening emphasises just how infrequently some muscles get used in the normal course of events ... so there's a hot bath ready before bedtime.  
It is still early ... but I'm ready for bed!

Lord God,
  you brought us healing through the Easter mysteries.
Continue to be bountiful to your people:
  lead us to the perfect freedom,
  by which the joy that gladdens our way on earth
  will be fulfilled in heaven.
We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
  who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
  God for ever and ever.

Easter Tuesday

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