It is encouraging to see how quickly the seeds have taken and the heavy dew each morning no doubt helps with the growth.
You can see just how much dew was on the ground early today. As usual there was a gentle "woof" long before I'd have considered it to be time to rise. So off we set in temperatures which remind us that autumn is just around the corner. The day did warm up and has been beautifully sunny but at 6.30 am I think I'd have preferred to be under the duvet!
Once back home the now thoroughly damp dog had a long sniff around our own garden - you do wonder what's been roaming around during the night ...?
Satisfied that he'd checked out everything he spent a while waiting patiently for me to finish the rapidly cooling coffee and return to the warmth of the house.
Part of the late morning was spent trying to persuade local shops to accept some advertising for the Car Boot Sale that Saint Nicholas' Mothers' Union are running on Saturday next. Most owners/managers, while friendly, were not able to take the leaflets and cards. It seems that the days of "sticking up posters" for this and that have gone! However, two chip shops did put up the advertising and so too did The Coffee Club. Another place will display our stuff from Thursday - so that will add to the catchment area.
It has been a busy, but fun, day. I guess it is seldom that you ever do all the things that you'd want to do ... and there's 'paperwork' to keep me out of mischief this evening .... but there's also a sense of being pleasantly tired after a long day. Getting up at the crack of dawn means that I'm ready for bed very early as well. That's not a bad thing, I suppose!
Of your kindness, Lord,
dispel the darkness of this night,
so that we your servants may go to sleep in peace
and wake to the light of the new day,
rejoicing in your name.
Through Christ our Lord, amen.
May the almighty Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end.
Prayer from a service of Compline