Monday, 29 November 2010

332 Let the preparations begin!

 Now that Advent is here the Christmas plates can come down from the top shelf and will be enjoyed over the next four weeks.  
The tomato is an English grown one from the Co-op and packed full of flavour.  I hardly ever buy imported tomatoes so it is a great treat to find UK ones at this time of year.  The exception to that rule is those grown in Turkey which do have great flavour - but they don't appear very often.  
Everything is running a bit late tonight as it's been quite a busy day and there's still a bit to be done before bedtime.  Temperatures outside are hovering around freezing and it has taken a while to get the inside temperature comfortable ... if anyone had come to the door they'd have imagined that I'd just arrived in or was preparing to leave!  All that was missing from outdoor wear was a pair of gloves!  
Eliot still has to write his piece for the parish magazine and when that's done we're ready to print!  At the moment he's curled up at my feet and appears to have little interest in putting paw to paper ... his run in the snow today has obviously left him exhausted.  

I wait for the Lord:
my soul waits;
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord,
more than those who wait for the morning.

Psalm 130:5-6

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