Thursday, 18 November 2010

322 Fire and Ice

 Today's "real" blog will of necessity be a little short.  A taxi has been booked for 5.30 am and there are one or two things that must be completed before that!  Packing is among the tasks as it printing the notice sheet for Sunday.  At least it is ready to be done!
This candle holder was a gift from a neighbour just before I left my last parish and I love the appearance of ice that it has.  Both photographs were taken in the same place... the first was on a blue plastic chopping board on the windowsill.  It is quite amazing how different the glass holder appears depending on the background. 
Tomorrow I begin a study-retreat.  Hopefully the blog will continue as will the 365Project picture.  

O God,
the fountain and source of everlasting life,
in your light we see light:
increase in us the brightness of knowledge
that we may be lightened with the radiance of your wisdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Celebrating Common Prayer. 

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