Thursday, 4 November 2010

308 Not great.....

 Not feeling too well today.... even a quick burst of retail therapy didn't help!  I do wonder what other shoppers thought as I arranged the wee mice for a picture?
 The restaurant in this particular store has a grand view of planes arriving at the City Airport.
And finally, another couple of books arrived from the cheap bookseller ... so now all I need is some time to read them!

Grant us, O merciful God,
the will to seek you, whom we desire above all,
that we may find you and be found in you;
may your love and wisdom
guide words spoken in your name;
may we find faith and hope
in the still small voice
which tells of your presence;
may we be one with you
in Jesus our Redeemer.  Amen. 

Celebrating Common Prayer. 

1 comment:

Loey said...

Nice shots for today.Do hope you are feeling better soon :)