Tuesday 22 June 2010

2010:365:173 Out and about.

Today was a "bus day" and five journeys later I'm back home.  We are so fortunate in this country... once you reach 'a certain age' you travel on public transport for nothing.  Absolutely free.  Mind you, you do meet some 'interesting' people on the bus too.
For example, on the last journey, a lady got on with her "pass" and asked for a certain popular store.  She then looked at a teenager who was sitting in one of the seats designated for disabled and elderly, pointed to her and said, "I want to sit there" in spite of the fact that there were at least three other seats available in that section!  Graciously the girl gave up her seat and joined me.  We exchanged amused glances!  The sprightly lady got off to do her shopping and teen was able to rejoin her friend.  
Tomorrow will be another "bus day" as will Thursday and possibly Friday... Why?  The faithful little blue Punto is in the Knacker's Yard - hopefully to be restored to life rather than to face extermination!
"Knackered" is such a useful expression.  The origin is from the slaughter place of animals not intended for human consumption.  These carcases, for example, might be turned into dog food or glue!  In common slang the word then came to be used for someone who is very tired ... fit for nothing!  So I could come in from a busy day at work and say, "I'm knackered."  
My car is "knackered."  It is very, very tired ... and expressions like ... rusted sump ... hole in chassis ... dozed brushes ... broken spring ... all support that statement.  However, the garage will valiantly get to work and hopefully breathe life back into its frame ... and get it through the MOT next week!
So, today began with an early drive to the "knacker's yard" to leave off the car and then walk home with Eliot.  We took a bit of a detour and, some curious school boys stopped to ask me, "why are you taking photographs of a dump?"
It isn't really a dump.  Once upon a time it must have been a rather grand residence that is now reduced to rubble behind the gate and some rather pretty white roses.  I presume someone will be building on the site eventually.
Our walk then took us over the railway and into the big park to the left of this photograph.  Sadly I'd not brought the long lead so Eliot didn't get a great run but was quite happy snuffling along.
It was a glorious morning, bright sunshine and warm ... temperatures already up to fourteen degrees Celsius by nine o'clock.  
Following a morning meeting there was just time to enjoy lunch in the newest café on the road.  Mark, Keith, Alan and Jenna opened The Coffee Club this morning.  It is only two doors away from Saint Nicholas'!!  That's Mark at the till and the sparkling water that they serve is the best I've ever tasted!
One of the features is this wall of tea tins!  Must get a picture when the sun is shining directly onto it. 
This was my tasty prawn sandwich ... yummy!  I think I'll be back ... but maybe not until after I've dealt with the garage bill!!
The rest of the day hasn't been photographed (hospitals don't make great shots) and I didn't take time in the Hospital for Sick Children to capture some very interesting images.  Then, I was going to add another plant to the collection ... but that can wait for another day.  Right now, I need to feed the dog and take him for his evening walk.  before spending some time getting ready for tomorrow's service in a local nursing home and preparing for two separate celebrations of Holy Communion.  Life is certainly varied!

May the grace of Christ our Saviour,
and the Father's boundless love,
with the Holy Spirit's favour,
rest upon us from above.
Thus may we abide in union
with each other and the Lord,
and possess in sweet communion
joys which earth cannot afford.

Church Hymnal number 524
by John Newton. 

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