Monday 22 February 2010

2010:365:53 A is for Apple

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" appears to have originated in Wales with the first recorded use of the slogan in February 1886.  Additional lines include:

Apple in the morning - Doctor's warning

Roast apple at night - starves the doctor outright

Eat an apple going to bed - knock the doctor on the head

Three each day, seven days a week - ruddy apple, ruddy cheek

The apple contains much that is good for heart, lungs, brain and general well-being.  With fewer than 100 calories and at least 4 grams of fibre (if you eat the skin) they will lower cholesterol and build up your immune system.  We're told that they also help to prevent tooth decay.   

For today's 365Project one of the participants suggested that we try, for the next twenty six days, to illustrate the alphabet.  So my first photograph may lack originality but it is frequently used for the letter "A".

Altogether I took twenty seven pictures of this one apple - a rather tasty Royal Gala.

But what was in "Our Darling's First Book" when they wanted to teach the little ones how to recognise their letters?

An archer, of course!  Was archery common back in the 1950s?  I certainly didn't know any.  Boys who dressed like the chap in the picture weren't often seen on the farms of south Down.

Nor were things much better when it came to learning the "small letters".  
In keeping with the "Archer" I suppose the small letter "a" was linked to "arrow".  That was useful as "b" begins "barrow"!

Some of the pairs are a bit strained!

Maybe I should use "Our Darling's First Book" as the template from which to work for the photograph project?  Though how you'd illustrate "dandle" I'm not too sure.

Once you knew the alphabet then you were encouraged to use the words to make rhymes.  So let's have an example from the book.

It all makes today's "A is for Apple" appear to be a bit tame!  Though if I were creating a book for a modern youngster I think "apple" might come to mind long before "archer" or "arrow" -  even if the  child were to interpret it as a computer or a phone rather than the fruit that is so good for you. 

God our Father,
your Son is our peace
and his cross the sign of reconciliation.
Help us, who share the broken bread,
to bring together what is scattered and to bind up what is wounded,
that Christ may bring in the everlasting kingdom of his peace;
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

Book of Common Prayer
Post-Communion Prayer for Peace

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