Friday 22 January 2010

2010:365:22 Still blogging along....

My tea/dinner/supper is cooking (alternative names to suit all my readers - it is the evening meal - call it what you will) and it is time to upload the twenty second + photograph of 2010.  How much longer I can keep doing this is anyone's guess... though I'm enjoying looking at all the other 365-ers so there is incentive to plod on.  (or should that be blog on?)
After another very good haircut (thank you camera-shy Gerard) it was time to change the poster at Saint Nicholas'.  So this can be today's picture.  Advertising for the Service of Wholeness and Healing at the beginning of February.  It is one of the new services in the Book of Common Prayer and we've used it a number of times since I've come to the parish.  This service is a united one with the Methodists and the Presbyterians.  The guest preacher, a son of the parish, is the Rev Mr Derek Dunn.  Should you happen to be in the area you'd be very welcome to attend.  Prayer for healing and anointing with oil will be offered during the evening.
Do you ever wonder if advertising on a church noticeboard works?  The portable "Church Open" sign does - and a number of folk have joined us because they saw that.  But what about the ordinary notice board?  I try to keep it up to date and changing in style from poster to poster but ... do people read it and would they come into a service because of it?  If even one person found it helpful then it is worth doing ... so, the notice board will continue to have fresh signs letting folk know that we're here 24:7.

... Hear the prayer we offer for all your people.
Remember in your mercy those for whom we pray:
heal the sick, raise the fallen, strengthen the fainthearted
and enfold in your love the fearful and those who have no hope.
In the fullness of time complete your gracious work.
Reconcile all things in Christ and make them new.
Restore us in your image, renew us in your love,
that we may serve you as sons and daughters in your kingdom;
through your anointed Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
we lift our voices of thanks and praise:
Blessed be God, our strength and our salvation,
now and for ever.  Amen.  

Book of Common Prayer: Service of Wholeness and Healing. 

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