Saturday 24 May 2008


Funny places, airports. The dawn flights bring bleary-eyed passengers staggering towards check in, wondering why they booked such an early departure. Travellers excited, companions miserable and downhearted.
For a year I've had a friend and colleague from Kenya as a guest. Naftaly was studying at Belfast Bible College and last night was a triumphant service of praise and celebration. Armfulls of love and friendship everywhere. Reminders that the work of God will continue across the world with students moving out on the next stage of their journey of faith.
Naftaly is returning to his family, his parishes and to a new ministry opening up in the Diocese of Kajiado. May God go with him.
Here in Belfast the desk fan creates a small oasis of cool air as preparation for Sunday continues. No shopping to do later as I was in Tesco at 6.00 am! Not many shoppers at that unearthly hour, but the store was buzzing with shelf stackers getting ready for the inevitable Saturday (Bank Holiday Weekend) rush!
Why do we buy so much? Why do we fly foodstuff round the world? Why do I feel self-righteous for resisting the temptation to purchase it?! Eating simply, seasonally, colourfully seems to be the way to care for the world.
And why am I putting off the moment for starting the Notice Sheet...? C'est la vie!

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